Sistema Mecanizado, Processo e Procedimentos para Reparo por Soldagem PTA-P de Dutos em Operação

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Several repair or modification operations in the Oil and Gas industry are performed by means of welding, what normally requires equipment stoppages (pipes, vessels). Such downtimes implicate costs and revenue losses, besides other inconveniences caused by the interruption of supply to the clients. In the current global concurrence scenario of the sector, productive disadvantages must be minimized, like for example, through the automatization of processes. In this context the present work deals with the development of mechanized system able to perform repair of pipes whose wall has lost thickness (through corrosion) or on thin walled pipes. The welding process must therefore be able to yield deposits with low penetration, thus avoiding pipe burn-through during welding. In this way, the PTA-P (Plasma Transferred Arc – Powder feed) was selected due to its properties of quality, productivity and mainly low penetration / dilution. The system comprises a CNC robot, which displaces the welding torch, and the PTA-P welding equipment. Besides the integrated system, welding procedures for different welding positions were formulated.


SILVA, R. H. G. ; CARVALHO, R.S.; DUTRA, J. C. Sistema Mecanizado, Processo e Procedimentos para Reparo por Soldagem PTA-P de Dutos em Operação. 5º CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM PETRÓLEO E GÁS. Fortaleza-CE. Outubro de 2009.