Contando com uma equipe altamente interdisciplinar de aproximadamente 45 pessoas, das quais 4 professores, 20 pós-graduandos, 22 graduandos e 3 técnicos-administrativos, o Instituto de Soldagem e Mecatrônica – LABSOLDA figura como um dos mais proeminentes entre seus pares sul-americanos. Pessoas de variadas áreas de conhecimento, como processos de soldagem, ciência dos materiais, eletroeletrônica, projeto mecânico, mecatrônica e TIC, aplicando uma infraestrutura de P&D comparável à de instituições de referência mundial viabilizam uma produção científico-acadêmica e tecnológica de nível internacional. As principais linhas de P&D e Inovação são Processos de Soldagem a Arco, Fontes de Energia, Automação e Dispositivos Especiais, com presença nos setores de Geração de Energia, Petróleo e Gás, Agrícola, Aeroespacial, Naval e de Bens de Consumo. Com o objetivo de formar engenheiros de elevada qualificação e gerar inovações tecnológicas, o LABSOLDA adotou uma abordagem não ortodoxa no ambiente acadêmico brasileiro, configurada pelo desenvolvimento de equipamentos e instrumentação próprios. A arquitetura aberta permite alta flexibilidade, em relação a equipamentos comerciais. Essa estratégia tem assegurado ao LABSOLDA vários prêmios tecnológicos. Destacam-se, como parceiros da academia e da indústria, a RWTH, UFU, Universidad Antofagasta, PETROBRAS, TRACTEBEL e EMBRACO. Como principais financiadores públicos do LABSOLDA, figuram o CNPQ, ANP, CAPES e FINEP.
Counting on a highly interdisciplinary staff that varies around 45 people, with 3 full Professors, 20 graduate (masters and doctorate) and 22 undergraduate students and 3 technical-administrative coworkers, the Welding and Mechatronics Institute - LABSOLDA of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, stands out as one of the most prominent Welding Technology Laboratories in South America. People from various knowledge areas, as welding manufacturing, materials, electroelectronics, informatics, mechanical design, mechatronics and even ICT and graphic design, as well as a world class R&D infrastructure, unique in Brazil, allow for international level scientific-academic and technological results (publications and projects lists at LABSOLDA´s main R&D and Innovation fields are Arc Welding Process, Arc Welding Power Supplies (hardware and software), Welding Automation (sensors systems and robotics), Special Welding Devices (unconventional torch design and accessories), with active presence in the Power Generation, Oil and Gas, Automotive, Agricultural, Aerospace, Naval and Household Goods sectors. The turning of academic studies into applicable solutions both in the research and industrial sectors and the corresponding development of high level engineering human resources are the absolute driving force at the LABSOLDA. With the solid objective of bringing in innovations in the area of welding and automation, the LABSOLDA has adopted an unorthodox approach in the Brazilian academic environment. In order to enable effective action over the processes in their technical and physical entirety and, thus, deeply understand and manipulate their characteristics in the seeking of industrial solutions, the work approach is configured by the development of own welding and automation equipment, as well as the necessary instrumentation. The technological mastery and systems´s open architecture hence allow for consistently higher flexibility and customization viability as compared to research only with commercially available equipment. Such strategy, modus operandi and results have assured LABSOLDA several academic and industrial awards, as can be seen at As an utmost aspect of LABSOLDA´s activities, partnerships are active both with the industry and academia. Students and researchers exchange runs mostly with German institutions (RWTH - ISF as the most important partner). Most relevant domestic industrial projects partners and demanders / clients for technical services and equipment are PETROBRAS, TRACTEBEL ENERGIA, EMBRACO / Whirlpool and WEG. In this context, national R&D institutions and small companies can also be mentioned. Regarding public sponsoring, CNPq, ANP, CAPES and FINEP (SIBRATEC Manufacturing Network) figure as the most important. Active presence in congresses and trade fairs help keep a dense networking and scientific-tecnological update.