:: Artigo completo: https://doi.org/10.29391/2024.103.005
A FEM to simulate in-service welding qualification considering induction preheating and fluid flow in a coupled solution is presented
A finite element model was developed using a multiphysics finite element analysis (FEA) coupling heat transfer, fluid flow, and electromagnetic heating. Part 1 presents the software implementation and model equations beside the mesh setting and modeling approach to simulate circumferential welding of Type B sleeve repair. The simulation was divided into four steps running sequentially for each physic solved in the model. Induction preheating was simulated and validated by comparing simulated temperature with experimental measurements. The multiphysics model differs from the usual simulations present in the literature, expressing more reliability in the results and making way for more-complete modeling for in-service applications.
Keywords: Type B Sleeve Repair; Welding Modeling; Finite Element Analysis; GMAW-P For In-Service Welding.
RIFFEL, K. C.; SILVA, R. H. G.; RAMIREZ, A. J.; ACUNA, A. F. F.; DALPIAZ, G.; PAES, M. T. P.. Multiphysics Simulation of In-Service Welding and Induction Preheating: Part 1. WELDING JOURNAL, WELDING RESEARCH, volume 103 - serie 2. p. 48-61. 2024. https://doi.org/10.29391/2024.103.005