High Performance GMAW - Buried arc condition (IMC DIGIPLUS A7 KS100 KD1)
A GMAW version with inductance control applied to deep penetration welds. It is crucial to highlight the correct inductance settings (current dynamic in up slope and down slope) in eventual short-circuit events. For the power source IMC DIGIPLUS A7 the inductance set was Ks100 (up slope) and Kd1 (down slope), which resulted in 70000 A/s and 300 A/s respectively.
Ks and Kd are parameters set in IMC DIGIPLUS A7 for up slope and down slope inductance control, respectively. Their values are inversely proportional to the inductance applied in the circuit (higher Ks or Kd results in lower inductance, and vice versa).
Welding process: GMAW
Welding position: Flat
Wire: ER70S-6
Diameter: 1,2 mm
Wire feed speed: 15 m/min
Voltage (mean): 32,5 V
Current (mean): 350 A
Inductance: KS 100 and KD 1
Welding speed: 45 cm/min
CTWD: 12 mm
Shielding gas: Ar+8CO2
Welding power source: IMC DIGIPLUS A7
High-speed video: IDT MOTION PRO Y4-S2
Illumination system: LASER CAVILUX 500W with 800nm
Video production and editing: Marcelo P. Okuyama
Responsible for welding test: Kauê Riffel and Rafael Bernardi
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