The pulsed GMAW welding process is a controlled method of metal transfer, whose main objective is to produce a metallic transfer of the spray type in values of average current below the transition current, where a shortcircuit or globular transference would be conventional. The most widespread current waveform is commonly called rectangular, although the actual current signal is not fully rectangular. The main objective of this work was to characterize the waveforms of four different welding machines, as well as the metallic transfer in each of these and to analyze the effects of the different waveforms on the geometric characteristics (penetration, width, height of the reinforcement, dilution and contact angle) of weld beads generated in welding with these machines. The results showed different wave characteristics for each manufacturer, implying different forms of metallic transfer, thus influencing parameters such as wettability, penetration, reinforcement width. Different forms of metal drop detachment were also identified, such as frequency and period of detachment.
Keywords: Welding, Pulsed GMAW, Metallic transfer, ODPP, Waveforms analysis.
VIVIANI, A. B.; NOGUEIRA. R. R.; CIRINO, L. M.; SILVA, R. H. G.; SOUSA, G. L.. Welding Power Sources Waveforms Analysis. 25th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, Uberlândia, MG, Brazil